Exploring Bali: Indonesia’s Premiere Travel Destination

The last leg of our Indonesian getaway happened in Bali, the most famous travel destination in the country of Indonesia. According to statistics, Bali accounts for approximately 45% of Indonesia’s total tourist numbers. Reported to have attracted 5.5 million foreign visitors in 2017, Bali offers a lot of natural wonders, man-made structures and various activities…

Exploring Lombok: One of Indonesia’s tropical gems

The next leg of our Indonesian getaway happened in Lombok, an island found in the province of West Nusa Tenggara in Indonesia. It is located at the east side of Bali, having Lombok Strait separating it from its more famous neighboring island. Unbeknownst to many, Lombok is the place to go to when you are…

Exploring the Extraordinary Beaches of Yogyakarta, Indonesia

There are two things that you have to know first before reading this blog post about Yogyakarta. First, I went here with my Shembot Squad friends, and should you see words like we, our and us in the post, I am referring to our group. Second, this travel to Yogyakarta is the first leg of…